Royal Government of Bhutan

Ministry of Energy & Natural Resources, Department of Forests & Park Services

Forest Monitoring & Information Division

REDD+ Secretariat

As per guidance from UNFCCC, REDD+ should be implemented in three phases. Phases 1 and 2 (Figure 2) are called REDD+ Readiness, where national REDD+ strategies and measures are developed and implemented (at interim potentially at sub-national levels). It also includes capacity building and institutional strengthening including piloting and demonstration of selected REDD+ activities. In phase 3, countries should implement REDD+ at the national level, with the following key elements in place:

  • a national strategy or action plan;
  • a robust and transparent national forest monitoring system;
  • a forest reference (emission) level;
  • a safeguards information system.

In the final phase, countries need to demonstrate that they have been able to reduce emissions and enhance carbon stocks, and payment will be made only after MRV of carbon emission reduction and increase in carbon stock has been carried out.

Forest Carbon Partnership Facility and the UN-REDD Programme are global programs supporting countries to prepare for REDD+ by providing technical, institutional and policy support to align their policies with that of guidance on REDD+ available from UNFCCC.