Royal Government of Bhutan

Ministry of Energy & Natural Resources, Department of Forests & Park Services

Forest Monitoring & Information Division

REDD+ Secretariat

22nd November to 25th November, 2019: Watershed Management Division of the Department of Forests & Park Services completed the consultation workshop for the development of the Feedback Grievance Redressal Mechanism (FGRM) for the REDD+ implementation. The workshop organized at Phuentsholing covered the final dzongkhags of Chukha, Gasa, Haa, Paro, Punakha, Samtse and Thimphu.  The meeting was organized at two levels: District level involving the stakeholders from the Dzongkhag administration and also the regional administration having stake with the natural resources and the Local level involving the Gups, Tshogpas and Chairpersons of Community Forests Groups and Non-Wood Forest Product Groups. The FGRM is a requirement under the REDD+ implementation framework and is expected to come in to effect with the implementation of the National REDD+ Strategy & Action Plan. The consultation meeting was chaired by the Hon’ble Director, Department of Forests & Park Services. The meeting also provided opportunity for the local leaders to clarify issues related to forest management and service delivery. With the completion of the consultation meetings, the actual design of the FGRM will be started soon.