Royal Government of Bhutan

Ministry of Energy & Natural Resources, Department of Forests & Park Services

Forest Monitoring & Information Division

REDD+ Secretariat

WMD organized a national Inception workshop on REDD+ Strategy, Benefit sharing and fund mobilization for REDD+ program in Bhutan from June 28-29, 2017 in Paro. Around 32 participants consisting of REDD+ Task Force, TWG members and other important stakeholders attended the workshop.

The workshop has three main objectives:
1. Define the vision and mission, and goals for the National REDD+ Strategy, the benefit sharing and fund mobilization based on the stakeholder’s perspectives
2. Identify and discuss potential benefit distribution schemes
3. Identify roles and responsibilities in the design and implementation of the National REDD+ Strategy, the benefit sharing and fund mobilization

The workshop was technically facilitated by Indufor, the consultancy firm hired for the development of Bhutan’s National REDD+ strategy, benefit sharing and fund mobilization. The workshop deliberated on strategy options based on findings from the study report on analyses of drivers of deforestation and forest degradation and other REDD+ activities. The work is supported by Forest Carbon partnership Facility, World Bank.